
ais module

create functions to decode AIS message from NMEA lines.


Thanks to Kurt Schwehr work on libais

This library uses libais and is largely inspired by module but decode messages on a line by line basis.

Note the stats part has been removed as we believe this should be implemented by the user if needed.


import lpais.ais as ais
decode = ais.decoder()

with open(data) as inputs:
    for line in inputs:
        line = line.strip()
        if line:
            data = decode(line)
            # data is None if line didn't result in a new message
            if data:
                # data is a dictionary containing AIS fields

use keep_nmea option to keep NMEA data into output dictionary, if enabled a ‘nmea’ field will contain the NMEA line(s), which will be a concatenation of original lines if it’s a multiline msg.


import lpais.ais as ais
decode = ais.decoder(keep_nmea=True)

with open(data) as inputs:
    for line in inputs:
        line = line.strip()
        if line:
            data = decode(line)
            if data:
                print('NMEA': data['nmea'])

See also

decoder for more details

exception lpais.ais.AISError(**kw)

base class for custom exceptions.

initialized with kw args that are used to format the string representation.

the base implementation add description field from self.description, the implementation class is then likely to define a description class attribute.

the base representation (str) will use the following fields from kw:

  • ‘description’ : details above
  • ‘line’ : the text line on which the exception occured

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

exception lpais.ais.DecodeError(**kw)

Error while decoding AIS.

the representation will use the following fields from kw, in addition to the fields used by AISError:

  • ‘error_type’ : error type
  • ‘error’ : error message
exception lpais.ais.DifferingTimestampsError(**kw)

Timestamps not all the same.

the representation will use the following fields from kw, in addition to the fields used by AISError:

  • ‘timestamp’ : value of the timestamp
  • ‘parts’ : parts of the multiline message
exception lpais.ais.InvalidChecksumError(**kw)
exception lpais.ais.InvalidChecksumInConstructedError(**kw)
exception lpais.ais.MissingTimestampsError(**kw)

Timestamps missing.

the representation will use the following fields from kw, in addition to the fields used by AISError:

  • ‘parts’ : parts of the multiline message
exception lpais.ais.NoStationFoundError(**kw)
exception lpais.ais.OnlyMessageEndError(**kw)

Do not have the preceeding packets for a multiline message.

the representation will use the following fields from kw, in addition to the fields used by AISError:

  • ‘bufferSlot’ : information to identify the message
exception lpais.ais.TooFewFieldsError(**kw)

Too few fields.

the representation will use the following fields from kw, in addition to the fields used by AISError:

  • ‘fields’ : number of fields
lpais.ais.decoder(*args, keep_nmea=False, handle_err=<bound method Logger.error of <Logger lpais.ais (WARNING)>>, **kwargs)

create a decoder function used to process NMEA lines one by one.

The created function will take a single text line as input arg and return either:

  • None if the line didn’t result as a new decoded AIS message

    this will be the case if it’s a part of a multiline message or thie line could not be properly decoded or processed…

  • a dict containing all the AIS message’s fields.

The parameters used to create the decoder function are:

See also

except for keep_nmea, all the parameters are forwarded to normalizer function.

  • validate_checksum: (optional) wether or not to control cs.
  • allow_unknown : (optional) allow no station.
  • window : (optional) number of seconds to allow the later parts of a multiline message to span.
  • ignore_tagblock_station : (optional) dont look for station in tagblock_station.
  • treat_ab_equal : (optional) dont use A or B to identify msgs.
  • pass_invalid_checksums : (optional) accept invalid cs.
  • allow_missing_timestamps : (optional) accept missing ts.
  • handle_err : (optional) called for every exception, default is logger.error.
  • keep_nmea : (optional) keep origin NMEA line(s) and add it as ‘nmea’ field in output dictionary, all NMEA lines will be concatenated if multiline message.
lpais.ais.normalizer(validate_checksum=True, allow_unknown=False, window=2, ignore_tagblock_station=False, treat_ab_equal=False, pass_invalid_checksums=False, allow_missing_timestamps=False, handle_err=<bound method Logger.error of <Logger lpais.ais (WARNING)>>)

create a function which assembles single or multiline messages.

The created function will take a single text line as input arg and return either:

  • None if the line didn’t result in a new message

    this will be the case if it’s a part of a multiline message or thie line could not be properly processed…

  • a tuple (tagblock, line, origin) where tagblock is a dict containing tagblock info, line is the complete AIS message to decode, origin is the original NMEA line(s) composed of a concatenation of the lines if it’s a multiline message.

See also

decoder for args description